It seems that log homes don’t often get the attention they deserve concerning energy efficiency. While the old log homes and cabins of ages past might have been prone to air gaps, today’s log homes are simply snug. With today’s modern manufacturing methods, the logs for a log home are precisely cut by computer-controlled machines (at least at some log home companies – Real Log Homes being one of them.)
This computer-controlled precision, combined with hand-finishing work done by skilled craftsmen yields impressive performance results. Take this home above, for example. Constructed in rural Vermont, this 2,230 square-foot log home received the highest possible Energy-Star® rating: 5 stars plus.
This log home has a simple, elegant feel. One of our favorite features is the well-lit and tastefully decorated dining room. The dining room is situated to provide easy access to the screen porch via sliding glass doors. That provides quick access to outdoor living and dining.
It should be noted that you don’t have to sacrifice windows to attain an energy-efficient log home. This home has plenty of large windows and sliding glass doors. Simply make sure you’re using the most efficient windows you can, and that your builder has the skill and experience to install them correctly. This home uses square posts and floor joists for a more modern feel. The kitchen also has a clean feel with light airy colors and lighting design.
You can see in the kitchen photo above, that there is an opening to a pantry to the right of the fridge (an Energy-Star® appliance of course.) This pantry feature is a smart addition to any floor plan. It’s a great space to keep the kitchen clutter out of sight, but still close at hand.
Here are the first and second-floor plans for this log home
(click to see them in a larger size):