We’re entering into the absolute best time of year; when the days are longer and it stays light until well past 8pm. The afternoon sun can be warm, but it also lights up your log home in a way that no table lamp could ever do. Through windows, sky lights and with the help of great rooms – the beauty of a log home can be found during the late afternoon when the sun hits the logs and your home is illuminated. Let’s check out some amazing summer sunlight log home photos to see what I mean.
Sky Light, Sky Bright
The log home sun room above doubles as a dining room and uses a ton of afternoon sun to light the room. The three sky lights above the three double-hung windows showcase the view outside as well as light up the view on the inside of this beautiful home. The homeowners also made a great choice not to have grilles on any of the windows which makes for unobstructed views of the property outside.

The log home addition above was strictly for fun and games. The homeowners wanted an entertainment room addition and in order to create natural light in an area with mid-level knee walls, sky lights were a fantastic option. With three sky lights on either side of the ridge line, the area feels balanced and well-lit as the afternoon sun fills the room.
Gable End Sunlight

The log home loft space above uses the gable end wall of windows to allow an abundance of natural light and creates terrific ambiance. The custom fixed glass windows make the room feel open while allowing those who sit in this amazing space to get a full view of the lush green property outside.

Here is another gable end great room where the room is drenched with late afternoon light. You may have noticed that all of the windows in the log homes featured so far don’t have grilles. Not using grilles on your windows can be less costly when building your log home and it may also help to display the beautiful views outside. Just outside the doors of the great room above, there’s a large deck overlooking quite the landscape!
Do you have any questions or comments about anything you’ve seen featured on Real Log Style? Leave a comment here, email us at [email protected], call Real Log Homes today or fill out the form below for more information. Have a great weekend everyone!