Dogs can be regarded as the most popular pet in America, with more households owning a dog than any other animal. (Although there are more cats and fish kept as pets than dogs, since those who keep them tend to own more than one.) The author’s recent adoption of an energetic puppy has turned her thoughts to the many considerations and preparations that need to be made before bringing a dog home. We’ve outlined a few of the many important considerations for the home.

Outdoor Space
The dog’s Latin name – canis lupus familiaris (the domesticated wolf) – belies its need for outdoor space. Smaller dogs may need less space than larger breeds, but all dogs need outdoor space for fun and ‘biological necessities.’ If you do not have a fenced-in section of yard space for the dog, it would be wise to consider adding one to your property. If you have a large enough yard some dogs will do fine without a fence, but make sure your dog stays close to the home and can be easily recalled verbally.

Indoor space
It is also important to consider how you will accommodate the dog in your indoor space. If you will prevent the dog from entering certain areas of the house, consider how you will accomplish this. Separation anxiety is especially common among adopted dogs and can cause the dog to chew items and be destructive. Crate training can help the dog feel more comfortable when alone. If you will be crate training the dog, consider where you will keep the crate. Where will you feed the dog? Although many feeding stations have water and food bowls right next to one another, separating them keeps the water bowl much cleaner.

Removing hazards
Although it is much easier to hazard-proof a house for a dog than a child, you must still carefully consider the issue for your pets. Make sure the dog can’t get at any chemicals; antifreeze attracts dogs with its sweet smell and a tablespoon can kill a 20-pound dog. You may also want to consider lidded trash cans that are difficult for the dog to open.

Convenient additions to the home
Finally, there are several ways to modify your home to make life with your new dog more convenient. Dog doors are great for allowing the dog to let itself out into a safe, fenced-in area. High-tech dog doors even have radio receivers that only let your dog through and timers to control when your dog can go in or out.

And of course, placing doggy beds in rooms where your new family member loves to lay and be with the rest of the family, like next to the fireplace in your living room, is always a smart move. Your dog will still feel loved and cozy but is encouraged to stay off the furniture. With these tips in mind, you’ll be enjoying time with your new best friend in no time. If you are interested in building your own log home to enjoy with your own pooch, please call Real Log Homes today or fill out the form below for more information!